Tag archieven: Galley Beggar Press

Noémi Kiss-Deáki – Mary and the Rabbit Dream

Noémi Kiss-Deáki Mary and the Rabbit Dream recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de op Åland woonachtige Finse schrijfster. Op 11 juli 2024 verschijnt bij Galley Baggar Press de Engelstalige historische roman van de Finse schrijfster Noémi Kiss-Deáki. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijfster en over de uitgave.

Noémi Kiss-Deáki Mary and the Rabbit Dream recensie en review

  • “Mary and the Rabbit Dream, a magnificent debut novel by Noémi Kiss-Deáki, fictionalises the strange 18th-century tale of Mary Toft.” (The Telegraph)
  • “Incantatory, repetitive short sentences that sit on the page like a prose poem, enjoy Noémi’s “deliciously sardonic, lightly conversational tone, and note how the subversive wit the novel turns on its male characters makes it sing.” (Norma Clarke, The Times Lirarairy Supplement)

Noémi Kiss-Deáki Mary and the Rabbit Dream

Mary and the Rabbit Dream

  • Auteur: Noémi Kiss-Deáki (Finland)
  • Soort boek: roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Galley Beggars Press
  • Verschijnt: 11  juli 2024
  • Omvang: 288 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Prijs: £10.99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Bol Libris

Flaptekst van de roman over Mary Toft van Noémi Kiss-Deáki

A sardonic, feminist reimagining of the story of Mary Toft, infamous rabbit-birthing hoaxer.

Mary Toft was just another eighteenth-century woman living in poverty, misery, and frequent pain. The kind of person overlooked by those with power, forgotten by historians.Mary Toft was nothing. Until, that is, Mary Toft started giving birth to rabbits. In Mary and the Rabbit Dream, the sensational debut novelist Noémi Kiss-Deáki reimagines Mary’s strange and fascinating story – and how she found fame when a large swath of England became convinced that she was the mother of rabbits.

Mary and the Rabbit Dream is a story of bodily autonomy, of absurdity, of the horrors inflicted on women, of the cruel realities of poverty, and the grotesque divides between rich and poor. It’s a book that matters deeply – and it’s also a compelling page-turner. A story told with exquisite wit, skill, and a beautiful streak of subversive mischief.

Noémi Kiss-Deáki was born in Finland and lives on the Åland Islands – a devolved and autonomous region of Finland with its own laws and a population of 30,000. Noémi speaks Hungarian, Swedish and English but writes all of her fiction in English. She has an academic background in art history and the history of science and ideas. She works as a medical secretary in the day, and writes fiction in the evenings.

Bijpassende boeken en informatie

Adam Biles – Beasts of Engeland

Adam Biles Beasts of Engeland recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de nieuwe Engelse roman. Op 14 september 2023 verschijnt bij Galley Beggars Press de nieuwe roman van de Engelse schrijver Adam Biles. Er is nog geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Adam Biles Beasts of Engeland recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman Beasts of England. Het boek is geschreven door Adam Biles. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de nieuwe roman van de Engelse auteur Adam Biles, geïnspireerd op Animal Farm van George Orwell.

Adam Biles Beasts of Engeland Engelse roman

Beasts of Engeland

  • Auteur: Adam Biles (Engeland)
  • Soort boek: Engelse roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Galley Beggar Press
  • Verschijnt: 14 september 2023
  • Omvang: 288 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 12,80 / € 8,39
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van Adam Biles

Adam Biles’s anarchic return to Animal Farm is a warped fable; a state-of-the-farmyard novel about back-stabbers, truth-twisters and corrupt charlatans.

Manor Farm has reinvented itself as the South of England’s premium petting zoo. Now humans and beasts alike are invited (for a small fee) to come and stroke, fondle, and take rides on the farm’s inhabitants.

But life is not a bed of roses for the animals, in spite of what their leaders may want them to believe. Elections are murky, the community is beset by factions, and sacred mottos are being constantly updated. Manor Farm is descending into chaos. What’s more, a mysterious illness has started ripping through its residents, killing them one by one.

In Beasts of England, Adam Biles honours, updates and subverts George Orwell’s classic, all the while channelling the chaos of populist politics in the internet age into a savage farmyard satire.

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