Tag archieven: Pauls Bankoviskis

Pauls Bankoviskis – 18

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze oorlogsroman uit Letland uit 2014. In 2017 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman 18 van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar.

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 Roman uit Letland

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de Letse roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog, 18. Het boek is geschreven door Pauls Bankoviskis. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 2014 van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis.

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 Roman uit Letland


  • Schrijver: Pauls Bankoviskis (Letland)
  • Soort boek: Letse roman, oorlogsroman
  • Origineel: 18 (2014)
  • Engelse vertaling: Ieva Lešinska
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschenen: 26 september 2017
  • Omvang: 186 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback

Flaptekst van de roman van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis

Whilst visiting their holiday home in the country, a family discovers a digital camera in the pocket of their grandfather’s overcoat. As their grandfather was well past taking photos or even travelling to the country at the time digital cameras became available, its presence in his pocket, stored in an old leather case no less, is mysterious – almost as mysterious as the images on the camera: pictures that he couldn’t possibly have taken; pictures of the country home from impossible angles, all of which seem to contain blurry, illuminated suggestions of a humanoid shape.

Nearly a century earlier, amidst the chaos wrought by the Russian Revolution, a Latvian soldier deserts his post and travels the country by foot, recording his many strange experiences in a small journal that he keeps hidden in his boot. His encounters with various characters lead him to develop theories on space, time, freedom, and what it means to be human. He wonders, what if time is layered, like a stack of pancakes? And what if a tree, with roots and branches that grow expansively in every direction, in fact enjoys an ideal, perfectly balanced sort of freedom?

The backdrop of this novel is a pivotal moment in Latvian history, however, its scope is much broader. Bankovskis’s story presents a wonderful exploration of what it means to be human, and the ways in which civilisation’s many products can alienate us from the natural world and from ourselves, and simultaneously drive us back into nature’s embrace.

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